
Sunday, October 17, 2010

Orange Polka Dotted Bloomers.... and Some Sunday Suggestions

Over my nonexistent cup of coffee this week~  : (   ~I wanted to share some of the goodness I have found in blogland.

Over the past few days I have been considering the question What Feeds Me?  I read a thoughtful blog post about this, and no, despite the photo above the feeding Mrs. Nilson refers to, is for the soul. When a post makes me look at my life in a new way, or to re-think what I've just accepted as "the way things are" I figure it will likely resonate with some of you as well.   I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

I loved this blogger's post about worries over parenting her "tweenage" boy.  As a mother of girls I am always curious as to how a boy entwines himself around a mother's heart.

This blogger always amazes me with her beautiful photos.  Her recent Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Muffin recipe is something I plan on trying.  I wish I could get some of these great cupcake holder's as I figure they probably make them taste even better.

And if you are looking for a few good books, here is a post by one of my favourite bloggers which lists her favoutire top 6 fiction reads.  Books?...You remember those don't you?  You can touch them, and they make noise when you turn the pages?  I am ashamed to say that I have not read one of her choices.... but at the same time thrilled to have such a great selection to look forward to.

I'm off to wash a few dishes, make some lunches,  read my "31 days" series,  followed my by nightly series of 100 pushups (kidding).

Love you like a muffin top (in orange polka dotted bloomers),
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  1. Great post! I can't wait to check out the boy post. I am trying to figure out this boy thing. And I am going to try to work in the phrase about the muffin top into conversation today :)

  2. Nice! I am going to check those links out. :)

  3. Oh, how I love my boy. This is a great idea for a post and I love how you incorporated the photography, Dana!

    I know I havent' been by in awhile - that blog challenge thing got all consuming - but hope to be back a little more now that it's all wrapping up!

  4. Those polka dotted cupcake liners almost make me want to get baking. Almost. :v)

  5. i want those orange muffin cups! I would make muffins! Really!

    100 push-ups?

    We're talking about pushing up bites of muffin, right?

  6. Boys versus girls? My mother-in-law told me 1) Mothers of 3+ boys, and Sunday-school teachers go straight to heaven, and 2) boys make break your furniture, but they will never slam the door in your face. I love my boys and The Girl!

  7. Ahhh books. Well you know how I feel about those!

    Chocolate chip pumpkin muffins? That sounds like baking perfection to me!


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