The day wasn't going so well.
A misunderstanding meant Eldest missed out on seeing friends perform.
It wasn't anyone's fault, but still very disappointing.
It was a Saturday afternoon
and our nice spring weather had turned once again to winter.
When a few tears of frustration fell I told her for some reason it was meant to be.
What she was most upset about however,
was going to all the trouble of looking nice, with now,
no where to go except the dining room table to meet up with her homework.
I decided then, that despite the blizzardy weather, it was time to pull out my camera.
She looked so darn cute I told her we could at least do a photo shoot.
Something we hadn't done in a long while.
While the snow was too bright for her to look up for any length of time.
I loved the shots we got.
Eldest always makes taking beautiful photos easy.
Pictures always make the passing of time much clearer for me.
And when I looked at these I saw a change in my daughter.
She is saying goodbye to her younger self.
I see the adult she is becoming and I am so proud to be her mother.
And yet at the same time I can still see my little girl within.
It's the best of both worlds.
And I realize this is how it was meant to be.
I had always feared that growing up was about saying goodbye to my children,
but instead I've realized... it is about saying a continuing hello.
Can't wait for the years to come Eldest.
Love you.