
Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Beautiful Spring Day In Northern Canada....

I've had five days to recover, and I think I am finally able to relive this fine spring day we experienced last Friday.  

We were packing for our drive to the city to visit with family, pick up our middle child from a school trip five hours away, and continue on for another three to watch our eldest at a National Volleyball tournament.
What began as rain, turned into a heavy drizzle...and ended up white and fluffy.

It was actually quite pretty with the white flakes contrasting against all the green.
I bad could it be?  It was May 21st...

Have I ever mentioned that one of the characteristics of us northerners is resiliency?

....being able to hold onto hope when all hope seems to be lost? march on even when the path seems to be obscured?'s true.  Living here is not for the faint of heart.  
Nor is it for flowers, outdoor pools, popsicles, and apparently, flip flops.

We were not going to be deterred.  I would have snowshoed out of there.
Except for my five hour drive to IKEA, with four hours inside the store and a five hour drive back, I had not left my home town since August. 
OK, not exactly true, since we had made a few visits to the farm further north over the past several months, but that my friends does not count.
We had children counting on us.  

So with a Tim Horton's drive thru coffee, we began our mini Spring vacation.  

The strangest part about the whole experience, is that The Agronomist couldn't wipe the smile off of his face.

The farmers needed the moisture.

He couldn't have been happier.

This is my life.  
I do not make it up.

PS   It just occurred to me that one of the best things about writing a blog, is that when I'm a teetering old granny and I tell my grandkids about the end of May Snowstorm of 2010, they won't be able to roll their eyes and think to themselves "talk about exaggeration...Granny's lost it again" because I have it documented and I have the pictures to prove it!  So put that in your pipe and smoke it, you future little whippersnappers!  ...I'll be prepared. Pin It


  1. I agree, both on the points of being resilient & having the blog to show that you weren't making it up. We are in a heatwave where we are, it's been unusually hot. Although in the upper pennisula they got a ton of snow when we were dying of sweat.

  2. Wow, you weren't joking about the snow, were you! Fingers crossed that flip-flop weather makes its way to you soon.

  3. Umm...I complained about rain.

    Clearly I am a MAJOR weenie.

  4. Spring in the desert of Arizona has been just as quirky this for us (lovely)! I hope you warm up soon. We're finally hitting 100 degrees.

  5. well, the first couple of shots could almost be mistaken for cherry blossoms falling...and then it just got ugly. Think how well preserved you will be in your old age with the lack of sun exposure. Here in Toronto we are sweltering in 30 degree celsius temps and high humidity damaging our skin beyond all repair probably.

  6. How dare I complain of the hot humid 80 degrees last night while sweat poured off my face in the kitchen while sauteeing mushrooms.

    Sorry, I should've sensed what you were going through...

  7. LOL. Oh I totally hear ya! It's been raining here since last night and hopefully it doesn't turn to snow, although if it snowed my basement would quit leaking. It's supposed to get down to 1*C over the next 3 nights so I've been running around like a fool trying to cover all the darn flowers I planted even though something was telling me not to.

  8. brrrr... i don't know how you do it, miss dana!
    Audrey~via facebook

  9. The sky was clear about three and a half hours into our drive. It was beautiful after that.

  10. And I thought Minnesota winters were long...

  11. I would've hid under the duvet for another month. I am known to get *real* grumpy when the weather turns bad.

    Not sure I would've recovered my sense of humor even a week later!

  12. That sounds like exactly the kind of spring we've been having in Southeast Idaho...

    Thanks for your comment on my blog, by the way!

  13. Risilient is about right!


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