
Sunday, May 16, 2010

Gratitude Sunday

Welcome to any visitors from my3boybarians
Sweet Shot Day
and Chatting At The SkyI'm so glad you stopped by.

This week I was grateful for:
:: a thoughtful older sister and daughter

:: family time

... even when it was due to a bottle drive

:: this weeks beautiful hammock weather

:: time spent hanging out with my girls

:: The Agronomist's thoughtfulness.  Why?  Because he not only read, but remembered my very first blog post, and as a result ordered this fun gift for Mother's Day.

:: a fun sleepover for my two youngest daughters

:: daughters who will visit with Nana any time she calls even if it's for the third time that day

:: all the moments I was able to catch this week with my camera
:: my parents who will be returning home soon
:: my sister and brother in law who took good care of them
:: and all the wonderful unexpected phone conversations and visits with sisters and friends 

What were you grateful for this week?


PS the black and white photo of our eldest, was taken by her sister above.  I am very proud of her photo which has been posted at SweetShotTuesday.
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  1. I am grateful for compassionate children and girl scout cookies.

  2. Thank you very much for stopping by my blog! I am thankful for the opportunity to read fun and beautiful blogs like yours!

  3. WHat a fun weekend for you... I was grateful for not having a to do list on Saturday. That was so refreshing and just what this lady needed. Have a great week!

  4. I LOVE that your hubby remembered the T-shirt for a Mother's Day gift.

  5. Very cool photos...and your daughter has talent, too!

  6. Lovely Dana - and I want one of those mum t-shirts! :-)

  7. Oh, my stars! What a gorgeous subject in that sweet shot (those eyes!) and what a talented photographer.

    I'm grateful for good friends who we got to visit with this week (wish they lived closer) and for my great family.

  8. Joining in for the first time with unwrapped Tuesday - I am thankful for my husband and kids.

    Lovely photos.

  9. I am grateful for the unexpected hugs my two kids surprise me with...GREAT sweet shot...beautiful portrait!


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