
Sunday, May 29, 2011


Have you ever seen anything so dreamy?
Oh yes my friends, I have found my summer watch!

As you know I've been craving colour for quite some time now.
So when I was out looking for a special gift for Middlest's confirmation,
I also came across this little beauty.

This watch was so darn cute. 
I was smitten.
But then I saw this one,
and the citrus colours called out to me.
They were so juicy and sweet.
Secretly they were whispering, "Hey Dana, pick me, pick me!"

But then the more mature Dana in me was drawn to this sophisticated giraffe print.
It was silent.
I foolishly hoped my neck might look longer when I wore it.
I was heart broken.
How could I decide?
What was a girl to do?

Yes, I'm afraid it's true.
I couldn't help myself.
It was a weak moment.

But before you judge me too harshly...
I would like to say that these little time tickers were terribly tempting,
not only because of their cuteness factor,
but also because they were only....

$14.99 a piece.
I couldn't believe it?

Aren't they even more dreamy now?
Plus, now I have something to wear with my shoes : )

I reasoned that since I had never worn a Rolex, Tag Heuer or Cartier;
this obvious over indulgence could be swept under the carpet, just this once.

For any of you who live in the Bungalow'56 area,
you can find more of these summer bangle watches at nntk (no need to knock) downtown.

I have tried to find these "SUISSE" bangle watches on the internet for my less local readers,
and am saddened to announce, I have come up empty handed.

In no way was I offered a bribe by nntk to advertise these cutesy watches.
They have no idea I posted this since I went shopping... in.cog.nee.toe
and spoke wiss a sex-zee french accent.

Plus, they've never heard of Bungalow'56...

so I'm thinking the french accent might have been a little bit over the top.

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  1. They are such fun! What a great price!

  2. They are soooo delicious! And what a price!

  3. Adorable! And they suit you to a tick tock!

  4. Oh I love those. If you wear all three at once, you will never be late.

  5. I bought some that are kind of similar a couple of years ago. I'm ashamed to say that I purchased even more colors than you did.

    What can I say? Mine were a good deal, too.


  6. AnonymousMay 30, 2011

    Yes, cuter than cute...and who could possibly resist?! i might just have to go shopping.
    Shoe Addict

  7. Absolutely perfect, and a bargain too! I'm a first time visitor and I'm loving how fresh and bright your blog is. ~Jen @


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